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Licensing Fee: Lines & Spaces
This license is intended for teachers who wish act as local distributor of Lines & Spaces Book 1 for their own students, in the event that shipping of physical books to their geographic region is not practically feasible. The teacher must purchase one digital copy of the book in addition to the licensing fee. This digital copy is for the teacher's personal use only and should not be shared with students or other individuals.  Each license entitles the purchaser to print ONE copy of Lines & Spaces Book 1. The teacher will charge the end user (student or family) within ±10% of the corresponding list price of the print edition of the book, at their discretion. The current list price can be found here.  For multiple books, please purchase the corresponding number of licenses. GUIDANCE ON PRINTING The book is published with black and white interior pages, 8.5 x 11, spiral-bound. The interior...
This license is intended for teachers who wish act as local distributor of Lines & Spaces Book 1 for their...
Lines & Spaces Book 1
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion to Kaleidoscopes Book 1. The student begins discovering note relationships and rhythms in a Kodály-based sequence. Once their sight-singing is proficient they move to the second part of the book, which introduces the corresponding patterns on the violin. With daily practice in sight-singing, students are reading notes fluently by the end of their second year of study. The book also includes 3-octave scales, Schradieck, and tonalization. Lines & Spaces (complete): 84 pages If the sight-singing portion of the book is not needed (e.g. for middle-school aged students), the instrumental-only portion of the book is also available. This book may be found here. Lines & Spaces (without sight-singing): 40 pages
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion to Kaleidoscopes Book 1. The student begins discovering note relationships and rhythms in a Kodály-based...
Lines & Spaces Book 1 (digital)
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion to Kaleidoscopes Book 1. The student begins discovering note relationships and rhythms in a Kodály-based sequence. Once their sight-singing is proficient they move to the second part of the book, which introduces the corresponding patterns on the violin. With daily practice in sight-singing, students are reading notes fluently by the end of their second year of study. Lines & Spaces (complete): 84 pages PLEASE NOTE: This digital product is not automated. We will send you a PDF of the book within two business days of your order.
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion to Kaleidoscopes Book 1. The student begins discovering note relationships and rhythms in a Kodály-based...
Lines & Spaces Book 1 (without sight-singing)
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion to Kaleidoscopes Book 1.  This version is the instrumental-only portion of the book (it does not include sight-singing).  32 pages
Lines & Spaces is the note-reading companion to Kaleidoscopes Book 1.  This version is the instrumental-only portion of the book (it does...