Book 2 licensing fee


This license is intended for teachers who wish act as local distributor of Kaleidoscopes Book 2 for their own students, in the event that shipping of physical books to their geographic region is not practically feasible. 

Each license entitles the purchaser to print ONE copy of Book 2. The teacher will charge the end user (student or family) within ±10% of the corresponding list price of the print edition of the book, at their discretion. This current list price can be found here.

    For multiple books, please purchase the corresponding number of licenses.


    The book is published with black and white interior pages, 8.5 x 11, spiral-bound. The interior pages are printed on 24 lb. paper. Front and back covers are 80 lb. glossy, full color. The front cover is single-sided; the back cover is double-sided.

    Kaleidoscopes Book 2 is updated approximately every six months. To obtain the most recent copy of Kaleidoscopes prior to printing, please contact


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